Thought I'd share this preacful winter scene to reflect (yes, pun intended) on the past year. Thanks to all of you who have given me your...

Ice Follies
Just for fun in this Holiday Season. I've done some rock climbing but never ice. Beautiful but challenging. Love Winter as it creates...

Reflecting on Autumn
This Autumn scene was painted in Nita Engle country and a beautiful season of the year to be inspired. Mask was used so I could have the...

Michigan Dawn
Having a how to paint skies workshop this weekend and thought of this painting. Very close to Nita Engles' workshop location in Naganee,...

What happened to Summer?
Seems like it was just Spring... What happened? When you're busy time does seem to speed up so if you can find the time to paint just do...

Day Is Done
Have a guy in one of my classes that is an absolute boat nut so I tried to capture the end of day when all is quiet. Off shore fog is...

Surfers Dream
I've posted this on Facebook before but not on this blog so thought I'd do it now. Second in my "Dream" series that incoporates painting...

Having fun with YUPO
Having put this off for quite sometime I finally decided to give YUPO a try. It's very interesting to paint on after years of painting on...

Mop-Up crew
This a painting I did as part of the wildfire series. Interesting to paint as I used just two colors for my palette so I could try and...

Painting light
Thought I'd share this as I was coming out of my control phase and getting looser and really appreciating the illusion of what watercolor...