Live & Zoom Online Classes & Workshops with Joe Cibere
Joe is a signature member of the National Watercolor Society. For more information about workshops,
classes, demonstrations or jurying please email
Check out my Youtube channel for FREE tutorials -

Learn how to loosen up and paint watercolors like these... with Joe Cibere, NWS
No matter what you’ve heard watercolor by far is the easiest medium to paint with. You only have to paint half a painting and let the medium paint the rest. The biggest cause for failure is trying to do too much. You can take advantage of what the watercolor paints for you and then finish the painting with your style and creativity. Give it a try and you won’t be disappointed!
Whatever medium you now use I think you’ll benefit from taking this class and bring your art to a new level. Design is everything.
Failure is just feedback. The medium is your muse. A 5 week session is $225 and a 10 week session is $425. Watercolor classes are Monday and Wednesday, 10 - 1 and a NEW acrylic class Friday 10-1. There is continuous enrollment. For more information about classes, schedules, demos or workshops please contact: • 805.217.6512 •
Studio Channel Islands Art Center, 2222 Ventura Blvd. Camarillo, CA (805) 383-1368 • Room R5
Watercolor Materials List:
Paint: 12 color palette
Cadmium Yellow Lt.
Cadmium Orange
Cadmium Red-Orange (Winsor)
Napthol Red
Cerulean Blue
Imperial Violet
Thalo Blue
Alizrain Crimson
Ultramarine Blue Deep
Quinacridone Rose
Viridian Green
Cobalt Blue
Optional Colors:
Cobalt Teal
Raw Sienna
Naples Yellow
Horizon Blue
Bleed Proof White Gouache
Acrylic Materials List:
Fluid Acrylic Paint:
Titanium White
Cad Yellow Lt.
Cad Orange
Cad Red Med.
Alizarin Crimson Quinacridone Red
Dioxazine Purple Ultramarine Blue
Phthalo Blue
Cobalt Blue
Permanent Green Lt
Yellow Ochre
Burnt Sienna
Set of 10 Golden Fluid Acrylics
Acrylic Brushes: (Synthetics are fine)
#12 Filbert
1/2 inch flat
2” Flat
Small & Large Round
Water Container Towels
Spray Bottle
Canvas or Acrylic Pad
Acrylic Palette
11x14 Strathmore watercolor pad 140lb Coldpress
11x14 Acrylic Pad
Watercolor Palette : Robert E. Wood Palette
Acrylic Palette : Acryl-A-Miser
Water Container
Watercolor Brushes: (Synthetics are fine)
1/2 ” Flat
1” Flat
2” Flat
Sword or Dagger Brush
#16 Round (pointed tip)
Acrylic Brushes:
#12 Filbert
#6 Flat
2” Flat
A ruler or straight edge
Small Windex spray bottle
Plastic palette knife
A fun attitude